Here is the Clark family: Rebecca, Deborah, Janette, Caleb, Alisha and Richard.
The Robinson family: Dad, Lynae, Janette, Marilyn, Allen and David.
Janette conducted the music at the Convocation of the College of Business and Communication.
Walking accross the stage to recieve the empty diploma folder. She is left of the podium.
Dad, Nate, Lynae and David.
Front: Alisha, Deborah and Rebecca. Back: Richard and Allen
We were watching for Janette in the many lines during the Processional. She walked in to the right of us and then was seated in the section in front of us. I was very moved by the remarks given by Pres. Kim B. Clark and Roger G. Christensen and the address by Elder Jay E. Jensen. BYU-Idaho has a wonderful spirit about the campus.
Here a picture of the Recssional. Janette is blocked by the women in black.
A group of us visited with Ron Kinghorn and Janet Barrus. We were able to attend a session in the beautiful Rexburg temple. Then we went out to the Teton Dam site.
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