Eliza is on the go all the time. She loves to wear dresses and dance. Here she is with her dance skirt on.
The penguins wanted to try the swing out.
Eliza liked to help me in the kitchen. I made some roll dough while I was there and Eliza would get her rolling pin and kitchen utensils to help me. I would give her some dough to roll out and play with. She would usually eat her little bit of dough instead of baking it.
I made a batch of cinnamon rolls and Eliza was right there by me with her little bit of dough. I had the dough rolled up with the butter, sugar and cinnamon inside and turned for just a second to get a knife to cut the individual rolls. When I turned around Eliza had reached over to the roll of dough and had grabbed a handful. She quickly put it in her mouth and then said,"YUMMY!" She was too cute!
Eliza has a hard time keeping shoes and socks on, unless they are her Mom's shoes.
I introduced Eliza to water colors.
We had a "Snow Day".